Fort firewall 3
Fort firewall 3

fort firewall 3 fort firewall 3

Our investments in the environment will preserve our natural resources for generations to come. Our economy is bouncing back faster than other states. “We are standing firm against far-left radical ideas being peddled by Democrats in Washington D.C. “The Sunshine State has a great story to tell, in part because Florida House Republicans are the state’s ‘Firewall for Freedom,’ promoting freedom and opportunity for all,” said Chairman Paul Renner. The ad, which will be shared via social media platforms, is the first of its kind in touting GOP ideals and principles that are moving Florida forward, while other states lag behind. Tallahassee, FL – The Florida House Republican Campaign Committee (FHRCC) today announced the unveiling of a statewide digital ad campaign entitled “Firewall for Freedom” that serves to connect Floridians with common sense policies championed by Republicans in the Florida Legislature that have propelled the Sunshine State’s comeback from COVID.

Fort firewall 3